Saturday 31 December 2011


Dear Brofile Readers,

I feel like I end up writing a lot of these types of posts.

This is just a message to say Brofiles has not ended!  I live with full intentions to spend time on it again.  As just one of the writers on this blog, I will attempt to cover what both of us authors are dealing with.  I have recently returned from an intense month-long trip to India, and have loads of homework to make up. My partner is one of the busiest bees you've ever met.  She's constantly off to another engagement and is always short of time to hang out (and make blog posts).  We are also both working on college applications and scholarships.  I won't get too far into our to-do lists, but I just wanted to let you know.  We're not trying to be neglectful.  It's unfortunately just the way things are happening.

Our great apologies.  Don't leave us behind.  We love you all and want you to be irresistible to the rest of society.

Please forgive us,
A Brofile Author